Home Growth Mindset The 5 mindset shift that create the life you want:

The 5 mindset shift that create the life you want:

by Fatima Snigdha
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I know for a fact when I turn in my life, I did that myth and found out the apparent intention of shifting my mindset about life. In my journey from depression to happiness, I learn a lot. Most importantly, I discovered I could learn, and I could change. By learning, practicing, and applying practical strategic regular bases, you can create the life you want. This mindset is fundamental while you want to create the experience you want.

Create a vision board:

If you don’t plan for achievement, you won’t achieve it. And no one will be planing for you. Planing can happen at any number of levels—financial goal, a relationship goal, health eating goal.

Something is going to motivate you every single day. Creating a vision board and setting long and short-term goals will lead you to create the life you want for yourself.

Daily practice:

We live in a world where people say to do this 1 minute a day, do this 20 minutes a week, 30 minutes a month, and see the result, and all this advice is good because there is a secret behind it. That secret is the key to real change, and real growth only happens through Daily experiences.

Unlock your potential:

Because you want to change your life, there you have a reason behind it. Why you want to change your life, ask yourself? Your clear intention leads you to the life you want to create.

You have no idea what your limits are until you test them. We spend so much time focusing on what we are getting wrong, everything falling apart, and ignoring the other side.

We ignore our potential and give all our energy to everything going wrong-focus on possibilities and opportunities. This brings us up. This focuses on what you can control what you can’t control.

A good example is whether the weather is bad, and you wanted to go outside, don’t dwell on whether the weather is terrible. Make the opportunity of doing the activity inside and achieving indoors. It will help you feel better.

Find Priorities:

If you don’t master your priorities, you end up living someone else’s. Someone will keep you busy working on their plans. Change only happens when we make something a big priority and take small steps towards them. You can’t solve everything at once. When you try to do everything, you end up with nothing.


Growth mindset:

We all have two mindsets; one is a growth mindset and a scarcity mindset. A person with a growth mindset believe.

YOU CAN’T BE ANYTHING YOU WANT, BUT YOU CAN BE EVERYTHING YOU ARE. Steve Jobs said,” people who believe they can change the world are the ones who do.”

On the other hand, the scarcity mindset said I’m not good enough; the growth and learning are fixed. We are defined by the stories we tell ourselves; rewrite your stories in your head.

Now it’s your turn to try…..

When we change the way we look at the things we look at change. It’s all about starting with our mindset.

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