Home Mom Life How To Be An Organized Mom|Productivity Tips

How To Be An Organized Mom|Productivity Tips

by Fatima Snigdha
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As a Caregiver and parent, you need to have your routine so you can feel reset energized and ready for the day. In my early three years of parenting, I was struggling to manage the housework, good relationship with the partner, connection with family and friends. And there are tons of strategic productivity tips available online to use digitally, but I have done a little research and give you some ideas on specific tips that might help you to be an Organized Mom. After trying lots of vital and daily habit finally, I come down with this following tips. Take a look below to see if there are some you may want to try. 

Reset yourself

 As a parent and caregiver, you carrying so much physical and emotional work you taking your kids physically, you playing with your kids you taking care of your kids. On top of that, you also worried about your kids. Have the practice to free yourself of any tension and give your body a reset through 5-minute body scanning meditation.

Close your eyes. Scan your body from head to toe. Start at the tip of your head and gently go down to your forehead, eyes, lips, and throat. If you feel any pain anywhere on that part of your body, bring your awareness to that place. Place your hand on there and gently massage it with your three fingers. Breath in for a count of three and out for a count of three.

Now your question is when I can do it? You can do this when the kids are in bed, and you can do it as a couple or single. Also, when you wake up a little bit earlier, you that have to find the time to hit your reset button boost your productivity.

Your Own Routine

 As a mum of two young children, I genuinely feel like you need to have Your own routine before the kids are awake or after they’ve gone to bed. So here I can share my morning routine with you I wake up at 5 am then prayer, exercise, house chor, get a ready school bag and my breakfast done by 8 am. After that, I am ready and reset for the day for my kids. One last request prioritize your own routine.


 It’s very easy to feel you not doing enough but I want you to push every single day and think of something you thankful for be really specific, not general gratitude but particular gratitude. Something is so unique to you so no one can say it. Like ‘I am grateful for my good health’.

Educate yourself

Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized, educated nation.~Nepoleon

It would help if you educated yourself to feed your mind and confidence in your parenting. You could learn from another mum’s blog, listen to a podcast about parenting, family budgeting, meal planning, how to work from home or many more.


 When I am talking about the exercise you don’t need to go to the gym to 20 pushups, 20 sit up, 20 squats 20 lunges. You can do that going to the next-door park and do that. But it’s essential to move your body every day.

Final thought

 Remember as a parent, you can not expect to be all the time, but it’s ok but most important, this is to continue going is most important.

“Do not expect to yourself to be perfect.”~Jay Shetty

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